Protection against South American leaf blight of rubber in Asia and the Pacific region Volume II

Publication date
25 May 2012
<p>Protection against SALB is a top priority area of APPPC. The development of a training programme and publication of reference materials were identified for follow-up action by the APPPC working group on SALB. FAO has also provided technical support to the Commission&rsquo;s related initiatives. One such output was publication of the first volume in this series &ndash; RAP publication 2011/07: Protection against South American leaf blight of rubber in Asia and the Pacific region. In 2011, the APPPC organized a regional workshop to develop a training programme as well as producing training modules and reference materials for protection against SALB, including materials to raise awareness of the dangers posed by SALB. The workshop also prepared operational guidelines, the objective of which was to facilitate establishment of an effective procedure for the importation of planting materials by reducing the potential risk of the entry and spread of SALB in the region. This publication (Volume II) &ndash; RAP publication 2012/07: Protection against South American leaf blight of rubber in Asia and the Pacific region (Volume II) contains the outputs of the workshop. The rubber-growing members of APPPC are expected to frequently use the reference materials contained in this publication to enhance their capacity and preparedness in detecting, preventing and managing the introduction of SALB. Translation of this publication, or selected parts, is encouraged to maximize the potential benefits for the members.</p>